Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Faculty drives millions in profit for a global retailer with machine learning Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Turning one-off buyers into loyal customers for an online marketing platform Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Automating product categorisation for the world’s third-largest retailer Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Increasing online sales by 7 fold for one of the world’s biggest retailers Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Forecasting online food orders for a virtual restaurant Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Intercepting problematic supplier orders for a mobile app Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Predicting customer churn for a food delivery platform Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Optimising retail web searches for a large retailer Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Optimising retail loyalty for a large UK retailer Consumer & Services Retail & eCommerce Predicting customer spending for a UK supermarket chain