Join Hugh Neylan, Zillah Anderson and Faculty’s Health & Life Sciences team at the NHS ConfedExpo this June

This is set to be one of the biggest and most significant healthcare conferences in the UK, creating a single point of focus for health and care leaders and their teams to come together at a time of transformation and recovery. The event will attract around 4,000 people across two days, the majority of whom are leaders and managers with the real ability to lead and drive change in health and social care.

The conference programme will contain a mixture of high profile and influential plenary speakers, theatre sessions, pop-up universities, feature zones, and networking opportunities to provide delegates with information, tools, and fresh thinking to help take their organisation forward.

date & time

Wednesday 15 June – Thursday 16 June


ACC Liverpool King’s Dock Port of Liverpool Kings Dock St Liverpool L3 4FP

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