Speeding up the process of finding emerging science and technology with AI


We helped horizon-scanning analysts find and assess emerging science and technology articles with an automated content discovery platform.


Horizon-scanning analysts search articles to find emerging science and technology, focusing on research that could enhance defence capabilities. This process of finding and reviewing articles is complex and time-consuming. We developed an automated content discovery platform, to help the team streamline the system and action promising technologies faster.

“We’re proud to support UK Defence to make better quality decisions on investment in science and technology to ensure strategic advantage.”

Mike Speirs, Customer Director



Dstl’s team needed a reliable method to identify, centralise and analyse articles such as journals. We began by researching user workflows and identifying manual processes for digitalisation. Then, we built an online store to centralise and enhance analysis of promising science and tech. Analysts can add evidence, provide context, and collaborate more effectively. We also developed an AI-powered evidence hub to triage articles, with recommendation algorithms suggesting relevant content based on past activity, helping analysts find important information faster and prioritise what to focus on.


The solution has saved hundreds of analyst hours so far. With this platform, defence is at the forefront of horizon scanning, with all broad emerging science and technology research fed through a defence lens in a sped-up system. Looking to the future, this could help give the UK a strategic advantage over adversaries.

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“The Discovery platform has delivered a step-change in horizon scanning capability, improving the speed and quality of our analysis.”


