Cambridge Analytica – a clarification
March 2018
In response to recent reports in the media concerning Cambridge Analytica, we wish to clarify that ASI’s only relationship was with its parent company SCL, which was one of over 110 companies and organisations that have recruited from an internship programme which ASI organises.
In the case of SCL projects, ASI’s role was solely to provide training and mentorship for the interns during their six-week placement, in which time they worked on a project chosen and managed by SCL. The data was not shared with ASI and was stored on SCL systems at all times. The last internship with SCL was in 2016.
Aside from the internship, ASI has never worked formally or informally with Cambridge Analytica or SCL in any capacity, and we have had no involvement with them in any of our work. None of ASI’s work has ever involved the use of private Facebook data or so-called ‘micro-targeting’.